Assault and Battery

Ellis County Assault Lawyers

Serving Ellis County, Johnson County, Tarrant County, and Dallas County

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    Assault and Battery

    Ellis County Assault Lawyers

    Serving Ellis County, Johnson County, Tarrant County, and Dallas County


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      Robin McCarty worked diligently with me to overcome a serious accusation. We collaborated together to unequivocally dismiss the charges with impunity. As is common when dealing with municipalities, this process took time and patience. Robin’s team was communicative, responsive and thoughtful while handling this intense situation. I highly recommend giving McCarty-Larson the opportunity to work through your case.

      - Pablo Valdes

      They help me through my divorce last year. It’s not easy mentally and physically but they had Great customer service any and every questions I had they answered my questions walk me through the whole process thank you and your team for all y’all did for me . What are you waiting for just call and see for yourself

      - Aaron Herrera

      From the first phone call late on a Friday afternoon to the successful out come of our legal issue, our family has had nothing but praises for the entire staff at McCarty-Larson. Always available, honest and upfront about the whole process. Mr. McCarty is an experienced and knowledgeable attorney with whom we always felt secure. And he genuinely cared about our family member. Robin and Natalie are a great team. Hayley was always very helpful too. Thank you to the entire staff and firm.

      - Neil Phillips

      Best in Ellis County! Daniel Morton, Amanda Nail, and the team at McCarty-Larson are incredibly responsive, ensuring quick and efficient handling of my case. Their staff was not only professional but also empathetic, guiding me through a challenging time. Despite the difficulties throughout my case, they prioritized my time, my needs, and got me a fair agreement that made everyone happy. Highly recommend for anyone navigating family legal matters.

      - Jillian Bailey

      When you choose McCarty-Larson, you're choosing a legal team that will stand by you every step of the way.

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      Ellis County Assault Lawyers

      If you have landed on this page, it’s likely because you or someone you care about is facing assault and battery charges in Ellis County. We at McCarty-Larson, PLLC understand that this is a distressing situation that can cause significant worry about the future. Our team is here to provide the support and guidance you need to navigate this challenging time. With years of experience handling assault cases, we are committed to helping you pursue the best possible results.

      Simple Assault in Ellis County

      Simple assault is often not as straightforward as it sounds. It encompasses a range of incidents from minor confrontations to more serious physical altercations. Generally, this charge involves causing bodily injury to another person, threatening imminent bodily harm, or making physical contact that the victim finds offensive or provocative. The seriousness of a simple assault charge can vary based on the specifics of the case, including whether there are any aggravating factors.

      While simple assault is the least severe form of assault charge in Ellis County, it can still have significant consequences. Typically, this crime is charged as a misdemeanor, though it can escalate to a felony if certain conditions are met. For instance, if the assault involves a public servant or a family member, or if it is a repeat offense, the penalties can be more severe. The levels of simple assault include Class C Misdemeanor, which involves threats or provocative contact without physical harm, resulting in a fine of up to $500. The Class B Misdemeanor includes physical contact during activities like sports, with penalties up to $2,000 and/or up to 180 days in jail. The most severe of the simple assault charges is the Class A Misdemeanor, which involves physical contact that causes pain or minor injury. This can lead to fines up to $4,000 and/or up to one year in jail.

      Aggravated Assault

      Aggravated assault is a more serious crime compared to simple assault. This charge arises from incidents where serious bodily injury occurs or when a deadly weapon is used. In Ellis County, aggravated assault is usually treated as a felony, carrying more severe penalties than those associated with simple assault. The consequences for aggravated assault are significant, with potential imprisonment and hefty fines.

      The penalties for aggravated assault vary based on the severity of the crime. A second-degree felony charge can result in 2 to 20 years in prison and a fine up to $10,000. A first-degree felony, which often applies to aggravated assaults involving public servants, family members, or domestic situations, carries even harsher penalties. This can include 5 to 99 years or life in prison, alongside a fine up to $10,000.

      Assault with Deadly Conduct

      Assault with deadly conduct involves reckless actions that endanger others, particularly when firearms or other deadly weapons are involved. This can include acts such as firing a gun in the direction of a person or a vehicle. The severity of the charge depends on the circumstances of the conduct. In Ellis County, this offense can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony.

      For a Class A Misdemeanor, the penalties include up to one year in jail and a fine up to $4,000. If charged as a third-degree felony, which often involves discharging a firearm, the consequences are much more severe. This can result in 2 to 10 years in prison and a fine up to $10,000.

      How McCarty-Larson, PLLC Can Help

      Facing assault charges can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to navigate this alone. At McCarty-Larson, PLLC, we are dedicated to providing you with the support you need during this challenging time. Our team of Ellis County assault lawyers understands the intricacies of the legal system and is committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcome. Whether you are dealing with a simple assault charge or a more serious offense like aggravated assault or assault with deadly conduct, we are here to help you through every step of the legal process.

      Why Choose McCarty-Larson, PLLC for Your Assault Case

      When faced with assault and battery charges, the choice of legal representation can significantly impact the outcome of your case. McCarty-Larson, PLLC stands out as a premier choice among Ellis County assault lawyers. Our firm combines over fifty years of criminal defense experience with a deep understanding of the legal system, thanks to our unique background and proven track record.

      Unmatched Experience

      With a combined experience of over five decades in criminal defense, McCarty-Larson, PLLC offers a wealth of knowledge in handling assault cases. Our team of attorneys brings decades of courtroom experience, having navigated countless cases similar to yours. This extensive background equips us to address the complex issues involved in assault and battery charges, ensuring that we provide a robust defense tailored to your specific situation.

      A Unique Perspective from Former Law Enforcement and Prosecutors

      Our firm is led by former law enforcement officers and prosecutors who have worked on both sides of the legal spectrum. This experience provides us with unique insights into how the prosecution builds its case and what strategies can be used to counteract their arguments. This dual perspective enhances our ability to craft a defense strategy that can effectively challenge the evidence and arguments presented against you.

      Outstanding Reputation and Client Satisfaction

      McCarty-Larson, PLLC is proud to have over 270 five-star reviews on Google, reflecting our commitment to delivering exceptional legal representation. Our clients’ positive feedback highlights our dedication to their cases and our effectiveness in achieving favorable outcomes. When you choose us, you’re not just getting a team of experienced attorneys, but also a firm with a proven track record of success and client satisfaction.

      Effective Defenses Against Assault Charges

      Facing assault charges can be daunting, but understanding the defenses available can provide hope. Here are some key defenses we may use in your case:

      Self-defense is one of the primary defenses in assault cases. In Ellis County, self-defense can be a valid argument if we can demonstrate that you acted because you reasonably believed your life was in immediate danger. Under the Ellis County Castle Doctrine, proving this belief can lead to a dismissal of charges or a favorable verdict.

      Another defense is lack of intent. This involves challenging the claim that you intended to cause harm. If we can establish that you did not have the intention to harm or threaten the alleged victim, it may be possible to reduce the charges to a lesser offense or even have the case dismissed.

      Insufficient evidence is another effective strategy. If the prosecution cannot provide strong evidence to support their claims, we can highlight these weaknesses to undermine their case. Scrutinizing the evidence for inconsistencies is crucial in achieving a favorable outcome.

      Fourth Amendment violations can also play a role in your defense. If evidence against you was obtained through illegal searches or seizures, it may be excluded from the case. Our team will thoroughly review how evidence was gathered to ensure that your rights were not violated.

      Procedural errors can occur during various stages of the legal process, including arrest and evidence collection. If we identify such errors, they can serve as grounds for dismissing the case.

      In some situations, the lack of cooperation from the alleged victim can lead to dropped charges. If the victim refuses to cooperate or does not wish to press charges, it can significantly impact the case, especially if there is insufficient evidence.

      Mistaken identity is another defense we can explore. If there is a possibility that you were wrongly identified, we will work to prove that you were not the person involved in the incident.

      Mutual consent may also be a defense in certain cases. If we can show that both parties involved in the altercation agreed to it, it could impact the outcome of the case.

      An affidavit of non-prosecution from the alleged victim can sometimes influence the case. This affidavit requests that charges be dropped and provides an explanation of what happened. However, whether this affidavit affects the case depends on the strength of our defense and our ability to persuade the witness.

      Free Consultations and Comprehensive Support

      At McCarty-Larson, PLLC, we offer free consultations to help you understand your legal options without any initial cost. An assault conviction can lead to severe consequences, including fines, jail time, and a permanent criminal record. Our experienced team is committed to guiding you through the complexities of court and administrative proceedings, working tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.



      Mistakes to Avoid After an Assault and Battery Arrest in Ellis County

      If you find yourself facing an assault and battery charge in Ellis County, handling the situation carefully is crucial to avoid making costly mistakes. One major error is speaking with the police without legal representation. You might believe that cooperating with law enforcement will help clear things up, but anything you say can be used against you in court. Even innocent comments can be misinterpreted or used to build a case against you. Therefore, it’s essential to remain silent and request a lawyer before engaging in any discussions with the authorities.

      Another significant mistake is delaying the search for legal assistance. Waiting too long to get a lawyer can have serious consequences for your case. The sooner you involve an attorney, the more time they will have to develop a strategy, gather evidence, and prepare a strong defense. An experienced lawyer will offer valuable advice on navigating the legal system and ensuring that your rights are protected from the outset.

      Ignoring court dates and legal procedures is another critical error. Missing scheduled court appearances or failing to follow legal requirements can result in additional charges, penalties, or an unfavorable view from the court. It’s important to attend all court dates and comply with legal procedures to avoid complicating your case further.

      Discussing the details of your case publicly, particularly on social media, can also be harmful. Even if you think your comments are harmless, they can be accessed by others and potentially used against you. To protect your defense, keep the specifics of your case confidential and only share information with your lawyer.

      Lastly, accepting a plea deal without fully understanding its implications can be a grave mistake. Plea deals might seem like an easy resolution, but they can have long-term effects that you may not fully understand without legal counsel. A lawyer can help you evaluate whether a plea deal is in your best interest or if it would be more beneficial to go to trial. Their guidance ensures that you make well-informed decisions about your case.

      Frequently Asked Questions for Ellis County Assault Lawyers

      After an arrest for assault and battery, your first priority should be to contact a lawyer who can guide you through the legal process. Avoid discussing the details of your case with anyone other than your lawyer, as anything you say could potentially be used against you. Ensure you understand your rights and avoid making any statements or admissions that might complicate your defense. Documenting your version of events while they are still fresh in your mind can also be helpful.

      An Ellis County assault lawyer can provide crucial assistance in navigating the complexities of the legal system. They will review the evidence against you, advise you on the best course of action, and represent you during legal proceedings. They will work to protect your rights, challenge any weaknesses in the prosecution’s case, and seek to reduce charges or penalties. Their goal is to achieve the best possible outcome for your situation, whether that involves negotiating a plea deal or defending you in court.

      The consequences of a conviction for assault and battery can be severe and vary depending on the specifics of the case. Penalties may include fines, restitution, probation, community service, or imprisonment. Additionally, a conviction can have long-term effects on your personal and professional life, such as a permanent criminal record, which can impact future employment and housing opportunities. Your lawyer will be able to explain the potential consequences based on the details of your case and work to mitigate them.

      Several defenses might be available in an assault and battery case, including self-defense, defense of others, or defense of property. For instance, if you were defending yourself or someone else from imminent harm, this could be a valid defense. Your lawyer will evaluate the evidence and circumstances of your case to determine which defenses are applicable and build a strategy that best supports your situation.

      The time required to resolve an assault and battery case can vary widely depending on factors such as the complexity of the case, the court’s schedule, and whether you reach a plea agreement or go to trial. Some cases may be resolved in a matter of months, while others might take longer. Your lawyer will provide an estimate based on the specifics of your case and keep you informed throughout the process.

      The court process for an assault and battery case typically involves several key stages, including arraignment, pre-trial motions, hearings, and possibly a trial. During the arraignment, you will be formally charged and enter a plea. Pre-trial motions may be filed to address various legal issues. If your case goes to trial, you and your lawyer will present evidence and arguments before a judge or jury. Throughout the process, your lawyer will prepare you for each stage and ensure you understand what to expect.

      In some cases, it may be possible to have your criminal record expunged or sealed after a conviction for assault and battery. Expungement eligibility depends on factors such as the nature of the offense, whether you have completed your sentence, and if you meet other criteria set by state law. Your lawyer can help you understand the process and assist you in applying for expungement if you qualify.

      The cost of hiring an Ellis County assault lawyer can vary based on factors such as the complexity of your case, the lawyer’s experience, and the fee structure. Some lawyers charge a flat fee, while others work on an hourly basis or may offer payment plans. It’s important to discuss fees and payment options with your lawyer during your initial consultation to ensure you understand the costs involved and can make an informed decision.

      Ellis County Assault Lawyers Client Story

      This client story is for educational purposes only.

      Roger sat in his small, dimly lit jail cell, his thoughts racing. The weight of the world seemed to press down on him. He had always been the kind of person who avoided trouble, but now, he was facing a serious charge of assault and battery in Ellis County. The anger and confusion swirled in his mind, making it hard for him to see a way out.

      One day, when Roger was feeling especially lost, a friend told him about Bria Larson from McCarty-Larson, PLLC. They said she was a lawyer who had helped many people in tough situations, just like his. With a small spark of hope, Roger decided to reach out for help.

      When Bria Larson arrived at Roger’s side, she brought with her a sense of calm and assurance that Roger desperately needed. Her warm, understanding smile and confident presence made him feel like he wasn’t alone in this fight. She listened carefully as Roger explained what had happened, never once judging him or rushing him to hurry up. Bria’s genuine concern for Roger’s well-being helped him open up in a way he hadn’t been able to before.

      Bria got to work immediately, diving deep into the details of Roger’s case. She spoke with witnesses, reviewed evidence, and examined every angle of what had happened. She worked tirelessly to build a strong defense, making sure every detail was covered and every possibility explored.

      In court, Bria’s dedication shone brightly. She spoke clearly and passionately, painting a picture of Roger that was true to who he really was. She showed the jury that Roger was not the person the charges made him out to be. Her arguments were strong and her presentation compelling. Bria’s ability to explain the situation in a way that was easy to understand made a huge difference.

      When the verdict finally came, Roger could hardly breathe. As the words “not guilty” echoed through the courtroom, a wave of relief washed over him. Tears of joy streamed down his face as he realized that Bria Larson’s hard work had paid off. She had turned his world around, and he was free from the burden of those serious charges.

      Roger knew that he wouldn’t be standing where he was without Bria’s help. She had believed in him, fought for him, and ultimately helped him regain his life. For anyone in Ellis County who finds themselves in a similar situation, Roger’s story is a reminder of how important it is to have a lawyer who truly cares. Bria Larson from McCarty-Larson, PLLC is that kind of lawyer—someone who will stand by you, guide you, and fight for the justice you deserve.


      Get the Help You Need

      If you have been arrested for assault and battery in Ellis County, you don’t have to face this difficult time alone. At McCarty-Larson, PLLC, we understand how overwhelming this situation can be, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Our team of Ellis County assault lawyers is dedicated to working hard to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

      We offer free consultations to discuss your situation and provide you with the guidance you need. During this consultation, you can learn more about your options and how we can help. Our goal is to ensure that you feel confident and informed as we navigate the legal process together.

      Contact Us Today

      Choosing the right lawyer can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. At McCarty-Larson, PLLC, we are committed to fighting for your rights and providing you with the strong representation you deserve. Reach out to us today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step toward resolving your case.

      Client Reviewsstars

      This office saved me an immeasurable amount of stress. They got my case dismissed and I didn’t even have to go to court! My cousin used them in the past for different needs and she sings their praises too! They never made me feel anything other than taken care of!!!  Thank you so much McCarty-Larson!!!

      Casey Harmon

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